
Air Conditioner Preventive Maintenance Checklist

AC Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Come summertime, an air conditioner operating at optimal efficiency is essential. No wonder air conditioning has become all but standard in American homes. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, 75 percent of American homes feature an air conditioner of one type or another. Additionally, air conditioning units use 6 percent of all electricity produced in the United States, costing American homeowners around $29 billion a year. On the face of it, this second statistic might seem daunting. Considering America’s increased focus on both environmental issues and cost efficiency, making an investment in energy use reduction would be wise for many homeowners.


HVAC System For Townhouse

Best AC Unit For Townhouses

As summer once again approaches, it is time to consider methods in which to keep yourself and your family cool throughout the season. Not only are these temperatures uncomfortable, but they can become dangerous as the thermometer soars. There are a number of options when it comes to installing air conditioning in townhouses and condominiums, and air conditioning contractors suggest exploring your options to discover which one is the best fit for you.

Choosing a Great Air Conditioning Contractor

How to Choose an AC Contractor

Summer heat can be stifling. A well-maintained energy-efficient air conditioning system can keep your house cool and bills low. However, in order to get the system that’s best for you and your family you need an expert air conditioning contractor to install and or repair your AC. Choosing the right air conditioning contractor doesn’t just keep you comfortable, it can save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. Read on to find out why Bruni & Campisi is the AC contractor that’s perfect for you.


Bruni & Campisi, Inc.

Serving Westchester, Greenwich and Stamford since 1979.

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